It’s wonderful that you want to have your child baptized!

When infants are presented for Baptism, they are beginning a journey of faith in which both the parents and the church community have important roles.


The Parents Role:

In the Sacrament of Baptism, Parents affirm their desire to have their child become a follower of Jesus.

In a world of many belief systems, baptism is an opportunity for you to declare your faith in God and your desire to live in line with God’s values.  It is also an affirmation that you are committed to teaching your son or daughter about Jesus from day one. Your child will grow spiritually and learn by your prayers, teaching and example at home and in the context of the community of believers.

The Church's Role:

In the Sacrament of Baptism, the Church affirms its commitment to nurture the faith of children.

At Knox we believe that the Church is meant to be an intergenerational family in which we encourage one another to love, serve and follow Jesus Christ.  We want to come alongside you and help you to nurture your child in this faith.  Worship services, Sunday School, youth groups and communicants classes are some of the venues in which this can happen.  This is why Baptisms take place during Sunday worship services and why it is important for families to be actively involved the local church.    


If you would like further information about the Sacrament of Baptism for your child, please fill out the from below and we will follow up with you shortly.
Our Minister will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns that you might have and talk about the arrangements for the service.
We are so happy that you want your child to be baptized in the name of our Lord!


Additional Information:

Copies of the booklet, “What Happens in Baptism?” are available in the pamphlet racks near the entrances of the church building.  A copy may also be obtained by contacting the church office. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about baptism for your child, you can contact the church by filling out the form or by calling the church office during regular office hours.

• Usually one or both parents are prepared to affirm the vows taken at the time of baptism.  In some cases, grandparents or guardians who are in a position to involve the child in the life of the church may make these affirmations of faith in their place.

• In the case of out-of-town members, we look for involvement in a local congregation.
